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T needs long-term "Perseverance"...
Gerry - your road is the tough one, but then you can handle anything.
Everything's under control.
have three things in your favor. The weight you've gained has been
in recent years and is less likely to have permanence - the body's
set point has not been established, thus stubborn and unrelenting.
Two, your recreational exercise of the not too distant past gives
you access to reliable muscle memory. Finally, you've made a real
goal and are committed. The rest is application of the basics and
finding contentment in every workout, trusting your purpose.
more training gaps - they're too much trouble. Move training to
the top five of the important things to do list and the gym to the
top of important places to be. As you're aware they are responsible
for more balance in our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual
lives than most people know.
Here's a good question for all of us, then - can you imagine what
wrecks we'd be without this stuff? Scary.