Arm Forum
Hales Florida Weight Man, 1967
John Carl Mese
training devotees are constantly looking for a "secret exercise"
or (even more exciting), a "secret routine" that is used
by a famous star. It's impossible to convince the average man that
champions simply were born with ideal potentials and then worked
very hard to develop those natural gifts to the limit. He's much
happier believing that he, too, would be great IF
. If only
he could learn that secret method used by his idol! To partially
please those dreamers, here is the unusual favorite exercise Dave
Draper used in building his tremendous forearms.

Dave doesn't claim credit for the movement, saying Chuck Sipes originated
and taught it to him. It is a variation of the old-fashioned wrist
curl, using a dumbbell, but one little change makes all the difference.
The starting position is the same -- the forearm is laid along the
top of the thigh, with the hand and lower part of the wrist extending
off the end of the wrist extending off the end of the knee. Now,
look at the photo above. The torso is now twisted a bit, to bring
the shoulder of the working side closer to the wrist. Continue leaning
forward and to the outside until the upper arm of the curling hand
is parallel to the floor, or as near as you can make it. Remain
in this position while you perform the regular dumbbell curl, concentrating
the shoulder and upper arm forward in this manner puts the forearm
in an unusual position, too. You'll notice a much stronger effect
on the inner part of the arm and a quick improvement in the "gooseneck"
formation when you flex the forearm. Give this "secret movement"
a trial -- it had evidently worked well for both Draper and Sipes!
Arm Forum
idea of Dave Draper's great arm can be gained in studying this photo
-- taken under clouded skies by Mese

of the top arms today -- ranking with those of Ortiz, Scott and
Pearl -- is that of Dave Draper.
that group, Dave's arm is most similar to Ortiz's, with his high
peaked biceps. He also displays a remarkable criss-cross effect
in that muscle and you'll see what I mean if you study the accompanying
pose. Although Draper doesn't possess abnormal definition, he has
terrific muscle separation, resulting in this criss-cross. Tremendous
size is his, naturally, but he has real muscle hardness, as well.
I asked the blond giant if his arm really was 20 1/2" as reported
in other magazines. He stated he HAS NOT MEASURED HIS ARM IN THREE
YEARS! Still, at his height of 6'1" (sic), I feel his girth
is at least an inch more than my own and must be 20," plus.
first thing you notice about Dave is his huge forearm; it is easily
in a class with that of Scott, Pearl and Sipes. He is a believer
in working on the forearms as a separate body part and has made
them outstanding. But how does he train his arms? Does he really
follow "space age methods"?
trains biceps, triceps and forearms three times a week. He works
very fast and averages 15 sets per arm part. He concentrates and
adjusts each movement so he is getting the proper feeling or pump,
as he believes this is vital. He admits he has trouble with the
triceps and notes that he has a hard time getting a pump in it.
is one of Dave Draper's routines:
Lat machine pushdown, 5 sets x 8-10 reps
French curls, lying, 5 sets x 8-10 reps
Tiger bend pushups, 5 sets x 8-10 reps
DB curls, lying, 5 sets x 6 reps
DB curls, sitting, 5 sets x 6 reps
DB curls on incline, 5 sets x 6 reps
Supersetted 5 series, enough reps for a burn:
Reverse curl with barbell,
DB wrist curl with upper arm parallel
you can see it does not take magic to have terrific arms. Hard work
and a dedication has been the pattern followed by Dave Draper and
he's reaping big results!