Mr. Universe Dave Draper
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IronOnline Bash 01
Bash Thanks

Dave and company put on an excellent Seminar! (Unfortunately, I could not stay for the BBQ I had to get back to San Jose). It was a great learning experience that touched on the history of bodybuilding, psychological and physical training techniques used today. I'll keep watching your website for similar events in the future.

Richard Sanchez


I just wanted to drop you and Laree a line and extend a deep thank you from myself and my wife. This last weekend was the best I've had; I met my idol (and his wife) got to watch his movie, attended a great seminar and had a feast of a picnic. Your generosity has left me with memories I will remember forever. As we were leaving on Saturday we walked by Laree, she not only said good-bye but she remembered our names; that meant a lot to Diana and myself. You two are great people and I look forward to communicating by way of IronOnline in the future. Thank you again- We were the ones with the baby in the stroller (a young blond bomber).

Jack and Diana Winhall


I just wanted to thank Dave for the great BBQ. I really enjoyed meeting the IOL people are hearing Dave, Dr. Ken and Dr. Mike. Again thanks for the BBQ, and Dave, by the way that was the best food I can remember ever having at a BBQ.



I'm in New York and on the phone with my dad, who said he went to the gym the other day and saw Dave and Laree who said they were having a IOL meeting... so my DAD got to stay and meet people and I DIDN"T! He did say it was a lot of fun and he met.. someone with whom I've chatted with but he couldn't remember his name. Anyway, I hope you had fun- the pics look great.



Thank you very much for one of the most memorable experiences in both our lifes. My wife (Darsy) and I (Curt) are long time bodybuilding fans. Not kidding we watch Pumping Iron at least three times a week. Now that we had the pleasure and honor to tape and watch Daves biography, it is now the households main play. We really enjoy it and find something motivating every time we watch it. We keep pinching ourselves and say did we just meet and have lunch with Dave Draper and Ed Corney.

We actually met Dave at the gym in S.C. on Friday 7-13-01. We were checking out the web page after seeing the biography and decided to buy some nutritional products so we rushed down to the gym and bought some Bomber protein and multi-vits. We actually bought two of each. Taste great. And then the elbow in the rib came when Darsy my wife said there he is. And I said nothing, Ahh had set in on my vocal cords. But Dave came right up to us and said hello with a warm comfortable calm, and that eased the lump in my throat. We then said that we really enjoyed the bio

and that we were here to buy some products. And like a humble hero, Dave said thank you. And we said no thank you. And that does not seem enough to say for all the good Dave represents in bodybuilding and even more so in life. After the picnic I could not wait to get home and call my dad he to is a long time body/powerlifting fan and participant. He was so envious and wished he was there. Maybe next time. We very much look forward to coming into the gym and buying our products from one of our heros and more importantly someone we trust. Your autoship program sounds great, but we dont want to miss the oppertunity to see, talk and say thank you to one of the greatest men in the history of bodybuilding and health.

Curt and Darsy Smeland


Words alone can't express the amount of thanks to you and Dave for the success of Bash 001 and the wonderful time I spent there. I got to meet the people who belong to the names I see on the postings and learn some valualle tidbits of information at the seminar.

The one thing that stood out to me that made the event the success that it was the application of your Christian walk. I observed this in conversations with your members of your staff and some of your clientele my observation or our convesations all came to the same conclusion, that of having the interests of others before your own. This is the admonition of the Apostle Paul in Phillipians 2 where he admonishes us to be imitators of Christ. This was evident in your putting the time and effort to make this event the success it was. This was a real encouragement to me to improve my own Christian walk.

Thanks again for everything and I am already looking forward to Las Vegas next year. I hope to make it out to Santa Cruz sometime in the future just to say "Hi".

Bill Frazee

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