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IronOnline Bash 01
Guy Miller's Bash Report

Wow! Where to begin..........? I still don't have the whole experience sorted out yet though, and I'm still living in the comfort of the memories, refusing to wake up. But here is a synopsis of what happened thru my eyes.

My experience begins Friday at 5:10 am (not counting the 2 days before of packing and rechecking my gear). The alarm goes off and I leap out of bed, a quick shower, protein drink (bomber blend of course) and I grab my stuff and head to the truck. Jeez today's the day I get to walk into World Gym and meet "The Man" plus his absolutely incredible wife!! Help me, I gotta get to the airport.

After a layover in Chicago I arrive at San Francisco airport around noon local time. I pick up my rental and head south, pulling into San Jose airport on the way to pick up my brother who flew in from Arizona. We continue heading south for Brookdale where we will be staying (about 11 miles north of Santa Cruz). A quick stop into our motel room at the Brookdale Lodge (a whole nother story, needless to say I won't be staying there again!). Workout gear stowed in the car our belly's somewhat full from a hamburger at Cactus Jack's and it's off to never never land, World Gym.

Dan and I arrive at the gym about 3pm. There are people milling around the counter and I feel butterfly's in my stomach. I notice a guy in front of me with some knurly tattoos and wearing a pony tail. No need for a name tag on this guy, I tap him on the shoulder and introduce myself to........ Doc! It's a handshake and a smile with Doc before I realize who the guy dressed in black World Gym workout gear next to him is, none other than Og!! Man this is getting heavy, all of us standing around with grins stuck on our faces. I then notice Og's beautiful mate Fay (bigger grin on me now!).

Too much to soon, I'm getting light headed.........across the gym floor I spot someone who seems to be standing on a bench, recognizing him from his pictures I realize that the giant is Henrik the "House". More introductions, grins and small talk. The word is Dave is in the gym working out, but I decide not to bother him till he's finished. I'm getting antsy now as the movie starts in about an hour and a half and I still gotta do chest and back!

So I got about an hour and a half until the curtain opens and I still haven't seen Dave or Laree yet. Dan and I head to the locker room to change and get busy with the weights. After a 10 minute warm-up on the bike to get the blood flowing I descend the steps from the upper floor and spot Laree. Wow is this cool..........a big grin and a hug and I'm about speechless, I remember saying something about being happy to be there and I believe I hugged her again instead of trying to vocalize my happiness.

Around this time as I was heading for the iron Henrik pointed out Bill Keyes to me. Man it just keeps getting better......I was very happy to see Bill and we chatted for a few minutes, the usual hello's, grins, pats etc.. Somehow I did manage a workout, supersetting chest and back with some abs thrown in.

I saw by the front clock it was getting near 5:30 pm and I was going to be late for the show. I was asking around about where Dave was and was told he is sitting out front getting ready to go. Quickly I walked over to meet him before he left. Giving him a pat on the shoulder as I came up behind him, Dave turned around and stood up, I wanted to give him a big hug but realized I was all sweaty so I reached out to shake his hand and ended up hugging him anyway (I'm sure it was better for me than him :~) ).

It was off to the showers then a race to the theater, arriving about 10 minutes into "Don't Make Waves". The audience as a group let out a big ahhhhhhh! when Dave drove away from Sharon Tate with a tear running down his cheek. Then we let out a big Yehhhhhhhhh! and clapped when Dave comes to the rescue of the cast stranded in the overturned house, that was cool.

After the movie Dan, Henrik, Bill K, Bill Nichols, myself and others hung around talking to each other and Dave and Laree, everyone wanting to ask the famous couple questions. As it was getting late to catch the Sha Na Na concert we split... Dan and I to grab some food and the others to the boardwalk where we would try and meet up to watch the concert.

Our meal took awhile to arrive and consume, so when we got to the boardwalk the band was over and no one was in sight. Dan and I hung around checking out the place then headed for the motel.

Saturday morning arrived quickly, after a breakfast at the lodge restaurant (I had the lumberjack special!) we were on our way to the seminar. The place was pretty full as we arrived, met Len and Jamie here and saw the gang from yesterday, also Corey introduced himself and Bill from Illinois. I saw Ken Liestner and introduced myself to him and chatted a few minutes about some of his wild foray's. I'm sure I met others and apologize for any names I missed, so much was happening so fast.

Then Dave came in the room and we all followed him to the middle of the gym to begin the seminar. Because there was so much information being given out between Dave, Ken and Dr.l Nichols I have to breeze over this segment and just say the nearly 3 hours went by in an eye blink. The rhythm and knowledge of them kept me spellbound.

In an Ultra-cool moment Ed Corney and his wife walk in from the back door and when he's recognized and introduced everyone gives him an extended applause.

With the seminar over we head across the street to where the grub is being prepared, I spy a couple of old 70# dumbbells lying on the ground and wonder if they will get any use in some impromptu contest (they don't). After I fill up my plate I look around at the picnic tables to find a seat and spot Ed Corney and his wife sitting down at an empty table. Wow......I walk over and ask if he minds me sitting down with him. Ed and his wife are very easy to talk too we gave each other background information and were soon joined by Bill Keyes, Corey, Henrik, my brother and some others.

Ed talked about his Mr. California win, how his training is now, the current crop of bodybuilders among other things. Dave soon came over and Laree and the discussion turned to bodybuilders from the 50's and 60's. There was more mingling around and before you knew it people were cleaning up.

Some of us headed back over to the gym and hung around out front talking and kidding (I think the kidding part was mostly from me) Dr. Ken made me a protein drink and gave me permission to tell everyone that he served me :~), kidding me about getting to much protein he must have put in 5-6 scoops and grinned that I would be good for the rest of the day.

Around 8pm the gym was closing up and people were getting tired it was a long absolutely wonderful experience and as tired as we all were I don't think anyone wanted it to end. After some hugs goodbye to the people who had to go home Dan and I made our way back to our place. Tomorrow we had a brunch to go to for the people who stayed and Henrik and I had an arm workout together planned.

Sunday morning arrived and my Bro and I get up a little later, hoping to get some water in our shower today (did I tell you how the water stops just when you are all soaped up? I shouldn't have to mention that a hot shower was just a dream). It didn't matter the shower streak continued. After the Lumberjack breakfast again we high tail it over to the Mexican restaurant by the wharf to eat again (it's amazing that I still lost about 5 pounds on this trip!).

Henrik and Bill F. are already there and soon Dave, Laree, Og, Fay, Len, Jamie and Doc show up. I eat some chicken thing with black beans and contemplate joining Doc and Og in a beer but I will be working out soon with the House and decide I'll need all my faculties together to hang with him. While we ate Dave studied the stock exchange indexes and Laree kept her nose in the fashion section for some evening wear later tonight. (okay, just wanted to see if you were paying attention :~) ).

After more glib talk, smiles, jabs and food we all split. Henrik, Dan and I went to get our gym attire (I bought new gray sweats just for the occasion) then meet at World's. It was very cool walking into World and seeing Henrik standing there waiting. Although I enjoy working out alone it quickly brought back memories of hooking up with training partners when I was younger.

"Let's get going" I kidded Henrik "I'm tired of waiting for ya" I really enjoyed the workout together, just feeling the energy bouncing around between us, again brought back vivid memories of things I miss without a partner. I was hampered somewhat by a blownout right elbow but managed to hang with Henrik to the end. (Thanks again House!)

Big surprise for Sunday night as we were invited over to Dave and Laree's house for steaks (Boy I get to eat again :~) ).

Unbelivable. 32 years ago I'm completely inspired to build big muscles by some blond haired guy who looks like Hercules and today I'm eating dinner at his house!!!!! An extremely surreal experience. I'm not the best with words, Mike Nichol's probably said it best in a toast to Dave that night but I just gotta tell ya I am truly inspired by the Man Dave is, past the muscles and might.

The trip was very personal for me not only to see the other IOLers but to be there for Dave to see the recognition he so much deserves and to be a part of the effort to show our appreciation to him and Laree for all that they do for me anyway. A truly one of a kind memorable experience shared with great people and great food.

It was difficult to leave that night I didn't want it to end but I also didn't want to overstay my welcome. Around midnight maybe, we all started for our cars.

Monday morning arrived and I had to get my brother to the San Jose airport, we had time to stop at the beach and take in the ocean for awhile before we left. On the way back from the airport I hung out at one of the state parks amongst the redwoods.....extremely peaceful vibes.........I hated to leave.

I stopped down the gym to see who was there (I later found out Henrik stopped down a couple times earlier) Dave was behind the counter and we got to talk, pretty much just the two of us for about an hour, how lucky is that!? We both had a protein drink and then headed out.

The days were catching up with me and I crashed about 9pm sleeping till 7am. Tuesday morning I hurry and pack, stuff everything in the car and head to the gym. My plane leaves in the afternoon and I want to get in one more workout (it was leg day ya know).

Laree, Henrik and Og aome down about an hour before I leave so we can hang together one last time. Looking at my watch I find I'm already 10 minutes past the time I should have left when Dave drives up to see me off. A few last words, some hugs and I'm heading for home with a lifetime of memories.

As a side note I apologize for people I met and forgot to mention. It was truly great seeing everyone........Corey, who I mistook for a trainer at the gym and Susan Rench were very nice to talk with and I look forward to getting back to reading some posts now (got a little over 800 to catch up on).

Guy M.

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