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IronOnline Bash 01
Bill Keyes' Bash Report

<Somebody post an update!! Those of us who didn't get to go are dying here how things went! Stella>

This was a 'lifetime' memory kind of day. For instance, Laree writes: Dan Martin was *very* responsible for the success of food. Everything served was phenomenal (and I am not the kind of person who hands out food compliments lightly). A special treat was the genuine Alaskan salmon brought in by Corey.

Again Laree writes: The seminar by Dave and Dr. Ken... well, let me just say that after literally hundreds of seminars over years Dave thought this was best ever. Mike Nichols (our IOL pal Mike) kicked in early on it and ended up being a 3-sided q&a lecture with Mike adding his medical backing.

The only problem is that it was too short at 2 1/2 hours!! I could easily have listened and learned for a couple of more hours -- but the food was abeckoning.

<The crowning jewel was the arrival of Ed Corney, who arrived with his wife Kristen to surprise Dave, Ken and crowd. Mid-seminar Dr. Ken nudged Dave to point him out -- Dave went over hug him while Ken went on to give some Golden-era mini-history. Magic Moment.>

Ed also stayed for the BBQ. Another magical time was later on in the afternoon when Dave was taking a well-deserved break and finally getting to eat. He sat down next to Ed and they began to relate some bodybuilding history. Great stuff from two icons.

Another small vignette: Veteran IOLers will remember John Oneschak's reports on how he was progressing following Hugo Rivera's program. I purchased Hugo's manual some time back and am at the point where I'm ready to change to a new routine. When I learned that John would be coming down for the Bash, I figured I'd waylay him at some point and pick his brain on the program pros and cons.

Before the seminar I found John and introduced myself and threatened to corner him at the BBQ and get his thoughts. Well, as you all know by now, the BBQ was HUGE. People everywhere. Groups formed, mingled, dissolved, re-formed, etc. As the day drifted on, I decided to let John off the hook. Why bug someone and make them think on such a lazy, peaceful afternoon? But around 5 o'clock John (carrying ice cream!!) saunters over to where I was sitting and says, "Hey, Bill, ready to discuss Hugo's program?"

So for the next 45 minutes or so, John shared his experiences with Bill Frazee and me. Nothing he had to do and I greatly appreciated his finding me. His insights will be very valuable as I move forward. Again, that is the kind of camaraderie that existed. People willing to go the extra step (or two or three).

< I'd like to know just what the group splurged on? Come-on, Bill2, entertain me on this one, I just finished a 48 can case of tuna today. Captain (trying to get) Cut Deisel??>

Well, in that case I hope you are keeping up on your gill maintenance. Personally, I OD'd on the Chicken Breasts which were some of the biggest I have ever seen. Marinated and BBQ'd to absolute perfection - juicy and succulent. The pasta salad was excellent as well. Oh, yes, almost forgot. I also had a cookie that Stella had FedExed in for the day (she actually sent more than one, but that's all I had).

Another simultaneous highlight was comparing mail-order training courses people had brought. I had some from 1970-71 by Arnold when he was still using 'Arnold Strong' as his stage name. Guy & Dan Miller had the same courses from a couple of years later. New covers, same insides, with the name shortened to "Arnold". Henrik brought in the Larry Scott booklets he found on EBay and copies of Dave's training journal from 1965.

I also had a full set of Ed Corney's training booklets from the mid-80's that his wife had never seen, so that was kind of neat. Finally, I had some of the Weider Triple Progressive wall charts and booklet from 1970 that almost everyone at the table had purchased at some point in their lives. Everyone seemed to get a kick out of seeing them again.


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