the sweet order of your life, has been dismantled these past weeks.
This you know. You also know you need to go back to the gym to buck
up and find your identity. So what's the plan?
you've got to light the match that'll light the fuse that'll blast
you outta here. 15 minutes of any cardio at an agreeable level will
do. You're here and anything is a lot, lot better than nothing.
Next, it's crunches, followed by leg raises to the max. Good. Now
hit the big time gym floor with instinct and creativity.
goal is to cyclically work your chest, back, triceps and biceps.
One exercise after another, with a footloose, random, swift continuity.
Keep the order, keep moving, and change or repeat any exercise according
to feel. Form remains TOP priority, poundage takes a back seat and
the choice of exercises is near spontaneous. Reps are 10 to 15 with
pump and burn - the target's in sight. This is not a race, but the
pace is fast.
keep smiling. Endorphins seem to kick in as excitement and enthusiasm
peak with your stride in this nonstop, athletic training style.
to 5 'round-the-gym cycles will do it. The first workout's the hardest.
Really, it's not the workout, it's the first steps toward the gym.
Pull on those sweatpants and go. Don't even slow down to decide
if you want to...just go. The payoff is sweet, and it's just about
an hour away.
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