did John Grimek know about building muscle that he didn't invent?
What did Steve Reeves know but the grains of sand of Muscle Beach?
Reg Park, who taught him in the shadows of his old English garage?
Bill Pearl learned all he needed to know about weightlifting in
the hull of a Navy ship and the streets of Oakland. Arnold and
Columbu - they pushed heavy weights, ate steak and eggs, laughed
and played as regular as the California sun.
cast of characters above play the starring roles in the original
drama of bodybuilding. Today, as eager physical culturists, we watch
the barbell soaps, hardbody sitcoms, muscular sci-fi's and mostly
the "get huge fast" commercials. We propose confounding
questions, each with a dozen equivocal answers. These we ponder
as we enter the gym, confused, spent and beleaguered. Who am I,
and what am I doing here?
for a minute, able as you are, the enormous pressure of information
and data. Chances are good should you be locked in a garage full
of weights you'll come out built. Or if you're stranded on an un-inhabited
island, you'll look for a place to do chins and dips and rock lifts.
You'll build the best bod on the island. The only thing to stop
this from happening would be if you found a couple of books that
told you "How To Do It."
I love the web and thank God for Laree and you. I want to help,
yet, sometime fear that I may neglect that endeavor by not providing
enough new and good information. We beg for reports, studies and
statistics. Indeed, from this there is at least one magnificent
benefit. As I read the journals, muscle mags and prolific master-blaster
encyclopedias, as I glean through the stacks of facts to pass on
to you, I am assured of a deep muscular pump in my traps. With each
page I turn, I take a deep breath and shrug my shoulders with a
full range of motion and say wistfully, "so what?" Depending
on the quantity of the reading material, the reps can really add
will receive post-haste my documented 30 page report with questionnaires
and summaries and proposals on "why we need to read less, research
less and train more with intensity and focus, when we can find the
time, if we're still interested," available only in Latin.
Should you wish to sign up for Laree's free 100-page speed reading
course, complete with diagrams, check here. (Joke.)
the meantime, here's a mini-W/O to keep you busy.
The Training
Blues Quadra-set (4x15, 12, 10, 8)
- Smith press
behind neck, followed by
- Reverse grip
pulldowns, followed by
- Machine dips,
followed by
- Bent
over lateral raises
tell you how and why to do this, but who am I to spoil a good thing?
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