Mid-January the journey's begun. Feels like we've been slowly
cranked to the top of the roller coaster's first big drop. Gravity
pulls us down with ever increasing momentum and we are inextricably,
unpredictably propelled into 1999.
on for dear life requires a mighty grip. Wild bouncing about is
best sustained by a well muscled body. And with each 90 mph hairpin
turn only a vigorous heart and lungs will endure. This wonderful
and mad ride we call life has an ever-present, underlying stress
that is both exhausting and stimulating ...and without a hearty
physical expression and release we may very well falter and fold.
The Strong Shall Survive exclaims a weathered bumper sticker.
The challenges are ongoing, aren't they? Surprising and often perilous.
Yet, the miracle is they are all good. They strengthen us and add
to our worth as we meet them with courage and mettle.
build, prepare yourself. Harden, strengthen and quicken yourself
at your favorite gym training grounds where survivors are molded
everyday, where life is hailed and embraced.
just drop in for a casual and invigorating workout. Lighten up,
after all, life's short.
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Dave Draper
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