
world turned on its near-precise axis making infinitesimal adjustments
to satisfy the shared universe. Time continued its measurement,
horns honked in New York City, smokestacks pumped gray-brown smudge
in Greeley, somewhere in the ocean schools of thin silver fish darted
in nervous unison to outwit their predators and babies, pure and
unspoiled, were born.
by Dan Martin of the Garage Gym, a dozen members of IronOnline stood
in the efficient confines of a rented commercial kitchen, an over-sized
blackened stove boiling potatoes for a salad, stainless steel tables
heaped with vegetables and fruit to be cleaned, sliced and otherwise
prepared and enormous pots slowly filling to their brims with sauces
and marinades and cut meats, chicken and fish.
the attendants worked with methodical movements and smiling assurance:
the remaining warm bodies, silent cheerleaders, introduced themselves
in a clumsy informal way. "Hi, I'm Len from St. Pete, this is Jamie,
my wife. You must be Doc. I've been wanting to meet you for a long
time. Did you bring your wife, Cathy? Did you come by Greyhound
all the way from El Paso?" The early arriving IOL members began
to form a living body of one.
I came in the side door from the gym with a young couple, Richard
and Ali, who hailed from Pittsburgh. They "wouldn't miss this for
the love of money." More people were congregating at the gym and
it was only noon on Friday. What do I do with them all? I'll drag
them around on my errands and show them the local sights: "That's
the police station, that's the library, that's the shopping mall,
that's Shopper's Corner where we got the tri-tip..." It all works.
Get some of them settled into their rooms, search for lost credit
cards, locate misplaced keys, answer some pre-seminar "how to" bodybuilding
questions (get huge, get ripped, bench 500), take a roll or two
of smiling point-and-shoot pictures and find Laree to reassure her
that I haven't gone off to visit my daughter in The Sierras.
in hand, folks started showing up at The Nick for the 6PM showing
of the near-classic thirty-five-year-old productions of "Don't Make
Waves" and "The Beverly Hillbillies." You can't help but laugh and
life is good and before you know it everyone is heading off to The
Santa Cruz Boardwalk for food and entertainment, Sha Na Na, the
roller coaster, corn dogs (?) and The Whip. That must be the Pacific.
seminar began at 11:00 on Saturday morning. Laree counted one hundred
and thirty heads from her balcony perch as she stole a few long-distance
photos. Another dozen IronOnline, Garage Gym and World Gym members
strolled in as things were under way, including the affectionate
and stimulating Ed Corney family. Their surprise visit made the
day and added a special dimension to the whole gathering. Exuberant
Dr. Ken Leistner, chiropractor, NFL strength consultant and crazy
HIT trainer from New York, and I proceeded to answer a spectrum
of mature iron and steel questions.

the world, in my life and in the audience of mesmerized metal workers
that morning stands inconspicuously a giant in sporst medicine and
disease prevention an innovator, a practitioner, a researcher
and a generous man with mountains of knowledge, which he shared
for two and a half hours. Dr. Mike Nichols has answers to abstruse
questions made simple.
is the way it went: a question was asked, which I answered. It was
then turned over to Dr. Ken for his spin and finally shifted to
Mike for further sculpting and clarification. Next question, please...
the young lady in red shorts by the incline bench... yes, how can
we help you? This went on till nearly 2PM. The group stood, kneeled,
stretched out or straddled the equipment. No one was restless. No
one left. We ended, our hunger for information overruled by our
hunger for food. The crowd moved as dispersing streams of water
to the grassy park across the way.
crew attending and preparing the banquet was a party in itself.
Captain Dan and Susan juggled the flaming forks and knives. Ryan,
Kit and John were marinated and charred. The fires were smoking
and the grills loaded with freshly caught pink salmon, great chunks
of the beef and meaty hunks of chicken spattered and hissed. I arrived
after plates were filled and clusters of strangers ate in circles
as they chatted and made friends.
Smiles from the hearts filled faces, moms and dads pushing strollers
proudly displayed their handiwork and notes of deep importance were
being scribbled as The Good Doctors expounded. One table of old-timers
shared memories of those days that led to these days and, if they
had to do it over again, they most certainly would... no doubt about
man from Tenerife declared to a man from Denmark, "The food was
excellent but the day was perfect."
so it went... dave draper

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