found myself, as of late, wrestling with an opponent I've long expected
to materialize. He's no older than me, not nearly as clever yet
his manner is shifty and design most unkind. He's been sneaking
around the neighborhood like a bum without a home, stealing stuff
and making a general nuisance of himself. I don't have much but
what I have I want to keep. I was here first.
I'm not complaining and I'm not running scared but I am getting
a little mad. Well-directed anger can be a healthy thing, so say
grandfathers and fortune cookies. I plan to keep an eye on the old
buzzard and out-maneuver him with my instincts, common sense, attitude
and prayer.
Bloodshed is out of the picture although wringing the neck of the
merciless geezer has crossed my mind. One sure thing: you cannot
give up, ever, not for a second. This means no discouragement, loss
of enthusiasm, grumbling or hiding under the bed. There is no defeat
if you don't submit, so say uncles that were in the army and Kung
Fu masters.
Fifty-eight and the Mad Dog of age is barking at my door. I'd rather
be locked in a room full of rabid Rhodesian Ridgebacks there'd
be more hope for negotiation, placating or escape. As it is, I will
observe and make the needed alterations in my training, adopt safeguards
and precautions and put into effect all my natural resources. I
will outwit the mean-faced miser.
have been in place for years along with MSM, glucosamine and chondroitan
(better add more C and investigate what other treasures are out
there hiding in the jungle). The well-balanced diet with an accent
on protein and a near absence of simple sugar will continue to restore
my system and stay the mischievousness of age. More micronutrients
from living vegetables will crowd my menu and meals will, of course,
never be missed, gorged or hollow. Junk? I will pick up certain
items and rotate them in my grasp. If they feel and look and smell
like junk, I will dump them with a smile. I know garbage from a
mile away, don't you? About water: more.
hard n' smart to build, play for fun and diversion, work to get
the job done and fulfill your life. Don't mope and whatever you
do, don't worry. Stress is essential and unavoidable and the human
being is structured to accommodate a healthy load. Too much kills
as sure as a bullet. Relax. I enjoy musing and find it most productive
to understand and resolve a problem, set plans into positive motion,
create happy environments in which to experience forthcoming trials
(visualizing) and overcome negativity that often thrives when one
is "idle." We're pummeled with distraction in the busy new world
with sights and sounds and projects devouring us. We seldom ponder.
I'll continue to become more aware of being robbed of time by my
own hands.
workouts rest and recuperation are the biggies. And injury
does not take second place. Here comes the hard part for the long-time
weight trainers (and other athletes) who have known power, the mighty
pump, speed, freedom of movement and range of motion. Invincibility.
Eventually, when denial is removed and submission and weakness of
will and lack of guts has been sorted out, there comes a time when
serious evaluation is the next step forward. And the installation
of alterations that lead to more understanding, productivity and
excitement. Almost simultaneously, the word maturity has new meaning
I cut my workouts by twenty percent (4 sessions a week), added an
hour to sleep (sleep-like) time and have reduced my work hours at
the gym by half. The workouts are intense but done without drawing
blood. I'm still defining them though they resemble what I've done
all my professional life: supersets seventy-five percent of the
time, mixing the reps and poundage according to feel, repair and
mood, yesterday and tomorrow. I look forward to the heavy workouts
spotted throughout the month with low-low reps in mind. Watch the
back. Watch the knees. Pushing is my big problem. The shoulders
gripe, the elbows are nervy and the hands and wrists scream like
scalded apes. Sound familiar?
I'm improvising and experimenting and inventing. I'm asking around
and keeping notes. We're all different. That's been established.
But I'll collect clues, hints, tips, facts, fiction and old tales
to feed the ole Mad Dog. Maybe they'll be worth sharing when I'm
ninety. Stick around.
in favor say "Aye." Draper
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