Food Supplementation

Here many of us come to a crossroads. The gathering signposts of information point in both directions. Yes, good supplements work, no, they don't. Put the burdensome information aside and listen to your logic and instincts. How can the body do well without them? At least take a good vitamin and mineral and a protein supplement, forever and with confidence. They work hard for you and should be regarded as an essential part of your food budget. Here's what you can expect: increased muscle growth and strength, decreased bodyfat, extended endurance, more energy, improved muscular recovery, resistance to injury and illness and increased metabolism.

I've done a lot of examining and experimenting and comparing with my peers over the years in both training and nutrition. You learn to glean through the heap and separate the trash from the good stuff. Here's what was left after everything else was thrown away. They work. These nutrients, these brand names are worth their weight in gold.

SUPER SPECTRIM VITAMIN MINERAL - Two in the morning, two a night will cover your vitamin/mineral needs at all levels of performance. Though not a megadose formula, the ingredients are totally absorbed because of costly cold processing and the patented time release. I've known these manufacturers for 20-plus years and simply trust them.

Click here for more information regarding SuperSpectrim

SUPER SPECTRIM AMINO ACIDS - the full spectrim of amino acids particularly arranged for muscle growth and tissue repair. Freeform amino acids don't need to be metabolized by the liver and are absorbed directly into the blood stream, therefore they are immediately ready for muscle recovery.

ANABOL NATURALS - amino acids in powder and capsules are the very finest crystaline free form aminos available. Anabol Naturals are the originals in amino isolation with a variety of custom blends from BCAA's, muscle blasting L-Glutamine to the fat burning L-Carnitine. Elite stars.

BOMBER BLEND - Our new formula designed in particular to meet my needs, which are likely to meet yours. My daily protein drinks are Bomber Blend. Click here to get the recipes for the protein drinks we use at our World Gym juice bars.

MSM POWDER - I've been using it for about six months and like it a lot, as do a number of people around the gym. I've added a separate page with more details of this newer product, but we seem to find increased energy through the day, elevated mood, lactic acid flushing and diminished joint and muscle pain. All this points to heartier workouts, better results.

CREATINE is the body's reservoir of high energy fuel used for muscle contractions which increases muscle power. It should be taken heavily for the first 3-4 days (10 or more grams), and then tapering to around 5 grams per day, half before and half after exercise. I've used this regularly since it came on the market 5-6 years ago - it can't be beat for increased muscle pump. Enjoyable.

NITROMAX, L-GLUTAMINE consists of the Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) - The Big Three amino acids and L-Glutamine most essential in muscle repair. As freeform amino acids they are quickly absorbed by the system without extensive liver metabolism. Take a good dose of the BCAA's immediately after each workout to assure tissue repair.

L-CARNITINE is required by the body to move fats from the bloodstream into the mitochondria for fuel. The higher the level of L-Carnitine in the muscle, the greater the amount of bodyfat used. A common recommendation is 1 or 2 grams, 1 hour prior to exercise, however the benefits of L-Carnitine are greater in terms of a healthy heart (L-Carnitine enables the heart to burn fat better) than for general fat burning. Those who have a very tight diet and are closing in on optimum bodyfat may find L-Carnitine useful, but it's not a magic pill by any means.

There are other useful supplements that I use from time to time. I'll update this page as I find ingredients that I particularly like.

Can I tell you a little more about protein powders?

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