IronOnline Bash 01 -- Og's Report

6a.m. The Ragtopman's place. Santa Cruz. California.

Well, how am I to attempt to convey just how wonderful the last few days on this planet have been to me?

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I can, so I'll recount my story and let the statement that the Bash has been one of the best episodes of MY LIFE hopefully go some way towards doing that. I can only do this from my perspective, but from the grins of everyone else around and the conversations I had with them, I can only assume it was the same for all of us. If people don't stop smiling soon, I think the men in white coats may be arriving. Mind you from the size of this crowd they'd better bring along a few reinforcements.... like the Marines - all of them.....

Something like 12 months ago I think, I turned from my computer on a small volcanic island 200 miles off the coast of Morocco and almost in passing said to my other half, "Fay let's make the effort and go to California next year to meet a few of these fabulous people on IOL who I contact every day and turn it into a holiday to boot."

Then it occured to me, 'Why not invite a few others of like mind along so that we can arrive at the same time - after all, wouldn't it be stupid to go at different times if we could meet up?' That was the idea - no more, no less. Maybe a dozen people, a workout or two, a few laughs, and of course as an added bonus, I get to shake the big man's hand after all this time........ and let me tell you, that is one BIG hand :-) All I can say is BEWARE THE POWER OF THE INTERNET..... So I sent in a mail perhaps a couple of lines long, and that was that. How that short electronic missive metamorphosised into possibly a couple of hundred people sitting in a cinema watching our hero 'Dave Universe' in action on the big screen; maybe more than 200 ironheads sucking in information during the most fantastic, most informative seminar I've seen, performed by three leaders in their respective fields in the spheres of weight training, strength training and health AND in the Gym I've wanted to visit most on the entire earth; a barbecue complete with fish brought from Alaska (thanks Corey!), great meats and salads with beautiful sunshine in an idyllic setting, and wonderful fun-filled bodybuilding conversation with informed and intelligent people, is beyond me, and I think will be until my dying day. All I can say is whatever witchcraft was involved, I want more of it. I see what you mean by alchemy Doc.......

And how about this for one for the memory - the face of Henrik, IOL's bodybuilding historian taking lunch with one Ed Corney? Priceless - absolutely priceless.

And for me, personally lying on the grass grinning inanely at Doc, a man who spent 24 hours on a bus to get there from Texas and talking as though we'd known each other forever.

You see, that was the thing. With everyone I met it didn't feel like the first time, it was just putting flesh on the bones of a well known personality.

It's the Bash you want isn't it, so I won't go into the good times I had in San Francisco and what a great guy Jay Foreman is, so I'll just thank him in passing. Mind you, I must tell you that sailing under the Golden Gate bridge is not a bad way to spend an afternoon in the sunshine..... :-)

So, as they say, I'll start at the beginning.....

I stood outside the door of World Gym, Santa Cruz, California. The A board outside declared 'Protein Smoothies' and 'Great Coffee' amongst other delights. I knew that one of the first things I was going to do was to try my first Bomber's Blend. Brilliant - a great way to start the weekend. The juice bar was on my right, just past the training literature as I entered the legendary portal. Og the Pilgrim. The young lady behind the counter gave me a huge smile and asked me how I was. I'd only been in Santa Cruz for about an hour and virtually everyone I'd come across had smiled and chatted a little. It's that sort of place. I introduced myself and explained that I was here for the movies/seminar/barbeque/all round silliness. Everything seemed to be occuring in slow motion - a very unreal quality to it. I explained that I'd come from the Canary Isles and was really looking forward to the weekend's festivities.

I looked across at Fay and she stared back. Her face like that of a Mother whose kids have received EXACTLY what they want for Christmas and a Sony Playstation too.. In the background I noticed out of the corner of my eye some guy with a beard and a lot of serious tattoo work. I half smiled and turned to the board above the bar to decide which juice to try. Then I heard the guy's voice, 'They'll let anyone in here nowadays won't they?'

I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not, so I looked him straight in the eye, and he stared back - deadpan. A couple of seconds passed, then his face lit up.

'You look a little different in real life Og' he said. Then a hand was extended. 'Hi, I'm Doc Ray.' I grinned, he grinned, I grinned back, he grinned again. I think at that moment we'd easily have won the doubles in the world grinning championships. I didn't need the hand. We just grabbed each other in a bear hug and bashed each other on the back repeatedly. What a moment after all this time. I can't remember much of the conversation after that, but Doc did recount the tale of his 24 hour Greyhound bus tour from Texas. I'll leave him to fill you in on the details. It's hilarious.

Then I glanced into the gym itself. It's fabulous, with huge pictures of Dave on the walls. Many of them we've all seen in BISS, but imagine them enlarged to 6' or more across. I instantly regretted that I hadn't brought my gym gear along. I figured that after travelling down from San Francisco I wouldn't want to go straight in there and train. How wrong could I be? Bugger.

Doc turned to me and said 'Dave's in there training.' Well I didn't know whether to hide behind the counter, make a run for the door or disappear up my own orifice.... 'Come on, I'll introduce you,' he said.


I strode in and there he was, 'The Bomber'. Huge in his World Gym tank top. Honestly, until you see him in the flesh you just can't imagine what great shape he's in. Doc introduced me. Dave gave me that infectious smile of his, shook my hand, and clapped me on the back. I did likewise and broke three bones in my wrist. The man is THAT solid. They could put him straight onto Mount Rushmore without bothering with all that silly chiselling stuff. We chatted for a couple of minutes, about what I have no idea, it's a blank. All that I remember is my head screaming "I'm here, this can't be happening."

Then a young lady came strolling into the Gym. I knew straight away it was Laree. I gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek and one of the first things I said was that she must change the picture she has of herself on IOL. She looks about ten years younger and (I'll probably get a whack for this when I see her later, but what the hell..) she's gorgeous.

We did the obligatory small talk, all smiles - they told me how things were coming together for the events while I babbled. Then Dave turned to Laree and said, 'Isn't this great?' ..... and you know - it was.

More later.


To be continued....

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