Muscle Building Workout Routines

Laree's 8-Week
Muscle-Up Workout

Increase your food intake by 500 calories per day. This can be in the form of milk, a protein drink or an extra hamburger and egg scramble, depending on your current food intake. Whatever you decide to do, make the decision in advance and just do it. Go on auto-pilot, preparing your extra meal in advance so there's no chance of skipping it out of late-vening laziness. Then do the following, making your own necessary adjustments that will allow you to continue this routine for two full months.

Every workout:
5 minute cardio warmup
5 minute rotator cuff and knee bend warmup
Crunches 3x15 (slow and focused) supersetted with Leg Raises 3x15


HyperExtensions 3x12

Squats 5x6, deep as you can go & adding weight every set of every workout
alternated with*
Pullovers 5x20
*Alternating meaning that this is not a quick superset - no hurry here

Cleans 5x6
alternated with
Calf Raises 5x20

Standing Overhead Push Press/Jerk 5x6


Deadlifts 5x8, 6, 4, 4, 4

One Arm Dumbbell Rows 4x10 - heavy

Barbell Curls 5x6

Wrist Curls 2x15
supersetted with
Reverse Wrist Curls 2x15

Calf Raises 5x20


WEIGHTS - Rest Day

CARDIO - Run 1 fast mile (whatever fast means to you - could be walk/run if you haven't been running yet this season)


HyperExtensions 3x12

Squats 5x10 (just as deep, but a little bit lighter)
supersetted with
Pullovers 5x20

Bench Press 5x5

Chins 5x10 (weighted)

Calf Raises 5x20


Bentover Rows 5x12, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6

Dips 5x8 (weighted)

Barbell Curls 4x10
supersetted with
Close Grip Bench Press 4x10

Calf Raises 5x20


WEIGHTS - Rest Day

CARDIO - Run 1 fast mile


Full Rest Day

Use heavy weights for everything. Eat more than ever. Run a mile twice a week to keep the capillary action fine-tuned for muscle building and to keep the fat down while packing in the calories.

That should do it. 4-5 pounds a month for the next two months. Heaven for the skinny guys (and gals?).


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